There is a connection between thyroid disease and menopause. It has been seen in most women and research also suggests that the thyroid gland stops to function properly when the menopausal symptoms start to manifest. If hypothyroidism is detected in a woman who is aged between 30 and 40, it is an indication that she is in her premenopausal stage. This stage interferes with the balance of estrogen and progesterone levels and this leads to further imbalances in other hormones. One of the consequences of these hormone imbalances is the development of a thyroid malfunction or disorder.
There is also a similarity in the symptoms of these two conditions. Some of the similar symptoms include poor memory, exhaustion, depression as well as mood swings. Other similar symptoms include sleep problems, increased anxiety level and hair loss.
This similarity in symptoms makes it difficult to distinguish between the two conditions. It may also be difficult to diagnose on whether a person is suffering from a thyroid disease or menopause.
If you are experiencing conditions such as hair loss especially loss of hair from the eyebrows and the eyelashes, pain in the neck region as well as swelling in the hands and legs, it is likely that you may be suffering from a thyroid disorder. On the other hand, menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats and dryness in the vaginal tract. A thyroid disorder may go undetected in some women especially those aged over 40 because the symptoms may be similar to menopausal symptoms.
Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on menopause and how to effectively go through it. Menopause
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