Saturday, 19 September 2009

Grow Lights For Light Therapy

Light therapy has been recognized as a breakthrough to help fight against several medical conditions including the infamous Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. SAD is a certain type of disorder that is primarily caused by lack of exposure to the sun. Owing to the fact that it is usually experienced by people who are in colder regions or mainly during the winter season, SAD became more popularly known as winter blues.

The production of a sleep-related hormone called melatonin, which could cause depression, increases when the days are shorter and darker. Due to the deficiency of sunlight throughout the day, people would have more chances to get SAD. Generally, these people have the symptoms of easily feeling tired, depressed and irritated. They also have an apparent change of appetite, weight gain or loss, and a severe drop of energy level.

An alternative form of treatment, which is light therapy or also known as phototherapy, has been shown to produce great effects for this particular kind of disorder. Simply by sitting in front of a full spectrum of light within a certain period of time every single day would bring about positive results. It would enable a person affected by SAD to feel energized, improve his or her concentration, eliminate the symptoms of depression and basically to go back to their normal selves.

There are several types of lights used for treating this disorder. One of the best is the grow lights for light therapy since they are relatively equivalent to the spectrum of sunlight. They have been proven to be safe and easy for people to use. Most patients who are treated for SAD just use light boxes at home making it very convenient. These lights are also designed to be harmless on the eyes and the skin.

Doctors could actually just prescribed patients suffering from SAD to simply go out and expose themselves to the sun. However, although the sun has a lot of benefits, it also has numerous drawbacks. Overexposure to the sun could cause a lot of negative findings. Then again, using grow lights does not only restores patients to health but it also does not produce any harmful effects to the body.

Originally used to grow healthy plants, grow lights for light therapy have been considered to be an effective way to treat a mild case of SAD. It is highly advised not to use any standard fluorescent bulbs for they are believed to drain the energy in a person's body.

Research has also revealed that it is not only the amount of light needed to cure SAD. Instead, it is equally important to take the adequate amount of light at the right time. Grow lights for light therapy are most effective when used early in the morning. Studies have shown that morning is considered to be the best time to make these winter blues go away.

But it is always best to seek advice from a doctor first before attempting to try any kind of light therapies. Consulting with a doctor would give a comprehensive evaluation of the condition a person has, making it easy to recommend a suitable treatment.

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Foods That Lower Bad Cholesterol - Proven Cholesterol Lowering Foods You Should Be Using

When it comes to reducing high cholesterol the verdict is in. The most effective and safest way to bring down high lipid levels is by increasing the amounts of foods that lower bad cholesterol in your diet. Let me guess. Your doctor forgot to tell you this?

While most medical professionals will point their patients to cholesterol medication if they have high cholesterol problems, this really makes little sense. The medications that are on the market today have some very serious side effects. The numbers of individuals that experience muscle ache, spasms or twitching can be as high as 25% and many of these end up with muscle damage, making it necessary to cease using the medication.

However, if you want to know how to lower cholesterol fast without using medication, you will need to be looking to some of the wonderful cholesterol lowering foods that are available at your grocery store. These foods are typically those that contain high amounts of soluble fiber such as vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

Each one of these food groups has been shown to be extremely powerful for reducing high cholesterol. In addition to their fiber content, all of these foods, especially nuts, contain large quantities of sterols which have been shown to block cholesterol from being absorbed into the body.

The effectiveness of plant sterols for reducing cholesterol readings is due to the fact that their chemical makeup is nearly identical to that of cholesterol. Many experts believe that it is due to this similarity that sterols compete for absorption into the bloodstream, ultimately allowing less cholesterol to get into your system.

Yes, there are many foods that lower bad cholesterol. I encourage you to visit my website where I discuss them in depth along with how to lower cholesterol fast without having to resort to medication. Taking these types of natural steps to reducing high cholesterol will provide you with health benefits that go far beyond only lowering your cholesterol readings.

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How to Come Up With the Easiest Way to Lose Weight on Your Own

Talk about the easiest way to lose weight and you can certainly come up with a million myths to discuss. If you are serious about losing some weight in a short period of time, you have to realize how important it is to stick with the diet facts and thrash everything that involves fallacy or superstitions. Most people think that when they start eating less amount of the food they eat for every meal, they are already doing a personal diet.

The common misconception is that once a person starts to take a little less rice or meat on his meals, he is already going to lose weight. This can work its own miracle provided that the person is not having extra snacks that are too high on calories, oil, or cholesterol that could also pose a serious health risk in the future. How then, does one know if he is adopting an easy way to lose weight or not? Will all his efforts be in vain even after making too many food sacrifices whose effects are too invisible for the naked eye to see? If you do not want any more delays in losing weight, here are some of the things that you have to take seriously as they are guaranteed to be easy ways to lose weight fast:

Pass on some extra calories during lunch. Everybody knows how much you need energy during breakfast, so make sure that you have had enough during that meal because you would be starting your diet plans seriously during lunch. The heavy breakfast scheme is okay as long as the meal plan involves enough carbohydrates that will provide enough energy to keep you alive and alert for the rest of the day.

The Give-and-Take scenario. If you have removed a particular food in our meal and substituted it with a lower calorie content, make sure that it does not sacrifice the nutritive value of your entire meal. There is no better way to do this than to chart all of your meals and their corresponding energy, carbohydrate and calorie value and prop them against your personal health needs. Do this for the next few months of your diet scheme and experience how gratifying the changes would definitely be.

Watch out on the climax. It happens to everyone else who is in the same situation as you-climactic temptations, as they call it, happen more frequently when the person is halfway done with his diet plan. This is where the person reaches an extreme feeling of attachment to his previous food cravings, until such point that he will have to question his diet goals from the very start of his weight loss routine. When this happens, the best thing to do is to make sure that you are aware that a particular climactic temptation is about to sweep you off your feet. Then, think about how you envision your figure to be in the next few months of strict diet. Thing will go well for a person who exemplifies self-discipline at all times.

sexuality health

How to Grow Taller - The Most Amazing Effective Ways of Growing Taller

Most of the people having a short height become desperate in order to find easy ways to grow taller. You may be one of those people who would like to grow taller but you may not be finding the appropriate ways to grow taller. You might have tried treatments like medicines and acupressure, have you noticed any difference in your height with those methods? If your answer is no, then it is the time to try something different. The most amazing and effective ways of growing taller that give great results are mentioned below.

1. Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is very effective and a proven technique of growing taller. As a result of deep breathing more oxygen is passed to the blood streams; therefore, the growth hormones are activated and they start functioning efficiently. This results in adding a few more inches to your height.

2. Stimulating Your Growth Hormones

The growth hormones are the major factors determining our height. Therefore, it is very important to activate the growth hormones in order to grow taller. The functioning of the growth hormones is stopped as a result of lack of rigorous exercises. Therefore, it is very important to start exercising. This is a great way of growing taller. You should exercise for at least an hour daily this will stimulate the proper functioning of the growth hormones and you will start growing taller.

3. Exposure To Sun Rays

It is also essential to expose yourself to the rays of sun for sometime during the day. The sun rays have Vitamin C and Vitamin D, which are very vital if you would like to grow taller. When you expose yourself to sunlight the ultraviolet rays of the sun are used and converted by your skin, this stimulates the growth of your body.

It is not impossible to grow taller even if you have crossed the age of 18; all you need is complete dedication in your efforts.


Overcome Infertility 183 --How to Treat Infertility With Other Supplements and Over Counter Medicine |

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of an unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist.We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing other supplements ( not previous mentioned) and over counter medicine which can be used to enhance the chance of fertility.

I. Other Supplements
Other supplements such as larginine, GLA and L-carnitine can help to improve the chance of fertility
1. Larginine
L-arginine is an amino acid that has numerous functions in the body. Besides helping to covert glucose and glycogen, it also relaxes blood vessels by making nitric oxide, thereby increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs of which decreasing the risk of sexual dysfunction in men and enhancing the function of reproductive organs in women.

2. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
It is found in plant-based oils, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential fatty acid (EFA) in the omega-6 family. It besides has been used to treat premenstrual syndrome caused by fatty imbalance, leading to over active of uterine muscles and menopause, it also is vital in protecting the natural process of the reproductive function, caused by medical ailments.

3. L-carnitine
L- carnitine can be found in skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm and is produced by the kidney and liver. It primarily function is to convert fat to energy. Since kidney is vital in maintaining the normal function of reproductive organs in the process of conception, strong kidney helps to maintain the production of right levels of L-carnitine, leading to decreasing the risks of sexual dysfunction and improving sperm quality and motility.

II. Over Counter Medicine
1. Baby aspirin
Made from white willow tree originally, it helps to improve blood flow and increase immune function in fighting against inflammation, resulting in lessening the risk of blood clotting defect that causes recurrent miscarriage. It is said that baby aspirin also decreases the risk of immune dysfunction by inhibiting antinuclear antigen and anti cardiolopin antibodies.

2. Guaifenesin
Guaifenesin is another counter medicine which helps to improve the quality of cervical mucus, thereby increasing the chance of sperm to get into Fallopian tube for normal conception.

For the best pregnancy self help program review, please visit

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About the Author:

"Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries.


How to Fight Depression and Win Permanently

Don't feel that you are alone if you suspect or know that what you are suffering from is depression. Statistics commit that there are at least 15 million Americans suffering from depression each year. Annually, these large populations of America spend billions of dollars to receive treatment but mostly are misinformed or unable to get rid of it permanently. Therefore, it is vital that you know exactly on how to fight depression and win the war fast and permanently.

There are several symptoms associated with suffering from depression. The common ones are insomnia, recurring negative or even suicidal thoughts, no longer have interest in events around you or shunning away from people, guilt, constant mood swings, chronic fatigue, shift in your appetite while losing or gaining weight drastically.

The Most Effective Options To Fight Depression

Exercise and Your General Diet
The first natural reaction when people are told to engage in exercise is to instantly mistaken that they would have to register for expensive gym memberships or self-help diet classes. On the contrary, you can simply treat your depression by planning ahead disciplined periods of walking, jogging or swimming 3 times weekly with half an hour period each. The participation will release your endorphins in your brain and allow you a relaxed and healthier state of mind. There are certainly no side effects for this effective holistic treatment and has proven time and again to be one of the more effective solutions. Your diet also plays an important role in your path to recovery. Go for diets that encourage moderation in all nutritional areas and not the extreme diets that focus only on protein or carbohydrates.

Natural Herbal Remedies To Fight Depression
Many people are skeptical or even suspicious of herbal remedies. However, this misconception has eluded them of a more natural way for treating depression. In all aspects, herbal remedies offer fewer side effects when compared to prescription anti-depressants. The highest quality remedies are made with awareness of safety and effectiveness according to the rigid pharmaceutical standards. Valerian Root is one of the more popular remedies that is used to correct the sleeping problems that many depressive people are associated with. It reduces stress and induces a natural sedative mood that will improve your quality of sleep. However, please remember that everything should be used in moderation as you might get stimulated if used too often.

Psychotherapy has long been hailed as one of the most effective natural treatments. Under this category, behavioral therapy allows you to be more positive as a result by changing the way you think of your current situations. While symptoms of depression can be expressed physically by feeling sad and blue while crying easily, remember that these are symptoms of depression and not the other way around. Circumstances alone don't make us depressed; it is how you react to it instinctively that can change your perceptions. This is greatly evidenced by depression affecting even the poorest and richest population around the globe.

Meditation and positive visualization.
Learning how to meditate is an important way to provide instant calmness and clarity to your thoughts as a way to fight depression. Here's how to effective practice this method. Find a comfortable position to sit while straightening your spine with your head resting comfortably on your shoulders. Take a deep breath while listening to the rhythm of your breathing. Focus on something pleasant in your past. Keep on going until you can find a pleasant memory which gives you a certain sense o accomplishment. It could be anything regressing back into your childhood like learning how to ride a bike or even playing the guitar. Give full focus and concentration to feel everything with your five senses. Practicing this method often has been proven to create a sense of value in yourself and thus a direct positive change in your life.

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3 Things You Eat Right Now That Leading Doctors Say Will Shorten Your Life!

These are the three things that noted doctors and scientists have warned can shorten your lifespan.

Fast Food and Fried Foods

Fast foods are filled with preservatives, chemicals and hydrogenated fats. Even so-called "healthy" fast foods are a danger to your health because they contain preservatives, which aren't found in "real" foods. In order for fast food restaurants to be profitable, they rely on purchases made in bulk quantity . . . this is where all those preservatives come in. Even if the foods are not fried in hydrogenated oils, they are still a health risk. Most of the so-called healthy foods that restaurants offer, such as deli sandwiches, contain processed meats and cheeses as well as chemicals to preserve them so that they stay fresh longer.

Additionally, eating foods that are fried in hydrogenated oils will shorten your lifespan and are a leading cause of heart disease. These foods clog your arteries and raise bad cholesterol. Deep fried foods may taste good, sure, but are definitely not good for your health. In addition to heart disease, they are also linked with obesity and digestive problems. Take immediate steps to eliminate fried foods from your diet.


Foods like cookies, cakes, candy and soft drinks are high in sugar and provide absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. The only thing these foods are good for are to help you gain weight, and quite a bit of it too. They are hard on your digestive tract because it has to work extra-hard at breaking them down. They lead not only to obesity but also to diabetes, which will shorten your lifespan considerably.

Packaged Foods

Stay away from packaged foods, including canned foods, meal packages and frozen foods. All are high in chemicals, which is how they are able to have a long shelf life. Frozen foods, especially the diet foods, are high in sodium. Take a look at the ingredients on the boxes or cans and you will see a list of chemicals included in the foods. Do you really want to put these into your body?

Start eating real foods and stay away from anything pre-packaged. This includes anything with preservatives. The chemicals that are put into some foods have been known to promote disease. Packaged foods are also usually high in calories and do not have the nutritional value of real foods.

You can start living a longer and healthier life right away by eliminating these foods from your diet. They offer very little by way of nutrition and have an adverse effect on your health. Start eating plenty of fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains for fiber and you will start to improve your health immediately. You will boost the health of your heart, digestive system, weight and even your brain power by eliminating hydrogenated oils, sugars and chemicals from your diet.


Finally, The Answer to Permanent Weight Loss (Part I)

Why can't you just lose that weight! You watch what you eat and try to eat healthy and exercise--but the weight just won't come off. Now I invite you to part I of "the answer to weight loss" where you will give some serious thought to some serious questions, and find the answer for yourself.

1. What am I eating? The first step to changing your diet, is knowing what you're currently eating. And most people really have no idea. They eat what's in front of them during the day, not thinking as they have the offered donut during the morning meeting, shovel in whatever they can find for lunch while talking business, snack on something in the afternoon to tide them over for dinner, and eat what they can for dinner that doesn't take too much work. If you write down what you eat in a food diary, you will be more aware of every bite you eat and see what you can change. Keeping a food diary is the number one most effective weight loss method that is free, easy, and works without going on a restrictive diet.

2. When am I eating? Many calories are consumed when we aren't aware that we're eating. Maybe it's the afternoon chocolate craving that hits, or munching on salty snacks in the evening. Some people acknowledge they consume large portions at dinner. Figure out what the major problem time is during your day. Start with working on just that time frame instead of planning a complete diet overhaul. Target the problem.

3. Why am I eating? Take a moment to think (and maybe even jot in your food diary) how hungry you are when you eat. Do you eat when you are bored, angry, stressed, or tired? Find a strategy to substitute for turning to food if you realize you are eating for some other reason. You've probably heard these before: call a friend, go for a walk, have a glass of water, or write someone an email. Don't take in extra calories in an attempt to solve an unrelated issue.

4. Where am I eating? You know the rules: put your food on a plate and sit at the kitchen table! Are you consuming hundreds of calories elsewhere? Maybe at your desk, in your car, or in front of the TV? I made myself little placecards that say "no eating zone" that remind me my office is not the place for food.... if I'm hungry I go to the kitchen and satisfy my hunger with something nutritious, or make a cup of tea to take back to work. See if this works for you.

5. Am I drinking enough water? You may have heard this before: many of us do not get enough water during the day to stay hydrated. Once your mouth is dry and your body is telling you to drink something, you're already partially dehydrated! Before that, your body may be nudging you that you need 'something' and you think "food" instead of "drink". So when the first craving hits between meals and you realize it's not true hunger, have a glass of water (maybe an occasional diet soda, tea, or other low-calorie beverage) and see if it subsides in a few minutes. If not, go ahead and have something to snack on (more about snacks in part II). Meanwhile, at least you are better hydrated!

Think about these questions and what you might be able to adjust during your typical day. It's better to focus on one area at a time that you might change without too much trouble. I suggest sticking with it for a week and then examining how it's working for you. The next week, add in another change. In the long run, if you are eliminating a poor habit and developing a new one that is better for healthy living, you can lose weight and keep it off, without resorting to the latest diet craze. Now choose one of these to start today and see how much better you can feel by tomorrow!


Thursday, 3 September 2009

How to Grow Taller Naturally and Healthily - Four Tips to Make You Grow Taller!

There is nobody who doesn't want to be tall and attractive. There have been numerous case studies. Tall people get more opportunities in life. Tall people are happier. They do better at sports, with the opposite sex. It's biased and superficial, but tall people get more opportunities in life.   But it's impossible to add height, right?  


With dedicated effort you can add a couple inches to your height!

Here are three basic tips to grow taller naturally without any risk to your body!  

Tip #1 Exercise: 

15 minutes of strong exercise increases adrenalin, lactate, nerve acidity and nitric oxide. These chemicals stimulate natural human growth hormone during the exercise and also during periods of rest. Very important: Drink plenty of water during exercise. Dehydration restricts human growth hormone.   Exercise equipment you want to stimulate height growth are the following: inversion boots and table, ankle weights, weightlifting wrist wraps and a good stationary bike. You also want a chin up bar that you can hang from while wearing angle weights. 20 minutes of bar hangs can add an easy half inch in height in less than thirty days.

Exercise is the most natural and healthy way to grow taller.

Tip #2 Diet:

Fats and carbs are the mortal enemy of human growth hormones and need to be cut from the diet. Furthermore, fatty, carb rich foods lead to more fat. A fatter person weights the body down and compresses the spine which leads to you actually losing height. Avoid soda, alcohol, junk foods, candy and, if you can, caffeine. These will all block naturally stimulated growth hormones. Caffeine actually eats calcium; calcium is the essential ingredient you need to stimulate growth.  

Tip #3 Sleep:  What's the best secret for stimulating growth? It's sleeping nine to ten hours per night. Sleep actives human growth hormone. Sleep, sleep, sleep and more sleep.  

Tip #4 Health Supplements to Induce Growth  

Here are specific supplements that stimulate growth.   Calcium, Vitamin C, Vitamin D

Shark Cartilage - The interesting thing about sharks is that they've been on this plan for 400 million years which means they've evolved to be resistant to cancer, vascular disease and the grow FAST. Not only that, when a shark suffers an injury it heals rapidly. Ingesting shark cartilage is the single best supplement you can use.

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Check On Hospitalist Job Availability with A Physician Recruiter Service |

Although the United States economy is in a bit of a downturn, physician jobs offer a perennially reliable source of income.  If you are a physician who would like a hospitalist job, but do not have the time to perform the tedious task of searching for that job, you will want to consider using the services of a physician recruiter company.  A staffing service maintains a database of job listings, so that you can do an initial quick search for physician jobs that match your criteria, and find them instantly.

You might select a hospitalist position located outside your state of permanent residence.  This would afford you the opportunity to travel around the country, visiting different regions you might not have been to before, and all the while working when your schedule that you set allows.  In this instance, the type of hospitalist job that you might prefer is a locum tenens one.  Locum tenens jobs are temporary placement in nature.  This means that you can choose the specific dates that you would like to work, and your physician staffing service will match you to a hospital with an opening in your area of specialization during the dates that you desire.

A great medical staffing company will make the entire process of applying for and transitioning into a new hospitalist position as easy for you as possible.  If you do decide to take a hospitalist job outside your permanent residency state, you will need the appropriate licenses to practice medicine in the new state where the job is located.  Your staffing service can help you get the licenses that you need, as well as the necessary medical malpractice liability insurance to cover your time working the new hospitalist position.  

Physician jobs that take you out of state will also require travel there as well as appropriate housing for you when you arrive.  Better physician staffing companies will take care of your travel plans, as well as make arrangements so that housing is ready to go for you when you arrive to start your new hospitalist job.

There may be other benefits that come from working your locum tenens hospitalist job.  One is that some medical staffing agencies offer monetary bonuses for physicians that refer other doctors to them who eventually end up working a locum tenens position through them.  Another is that you may receive rewards for every dollar that you earn working your hospitalist position.  Your physician staffing service can tell you about these and other benefits that come from locum tenens positions.

About the Author:


Depression in Children - The Permanent and Effective Cures

Depression in definition is not the same as suffering from a bad mood or feeling low for a few days. This is even more evident for depression in children when you notice they seem to move about with their daily activities with a dreaded sense of enjoyment, constant gloominess, inefficiency to carry out normal tasks without exerting much effort, disturbing sleep patterns and they no longer seem to enjoy their usual hobbies. Statistics have shown that depressive children are more prone to the risk of suicide therefore it is vital to help them overcome depression as soon as possible.

Causes of Depression in Children
The most common perceived factors for depression for children are internal pressure at home as well as external pressure from their school environment. Arguments among parents, domestic violence and jealousy among siblings are factors while they have to cope with stress and pressure externally when they are not doing well at school or encountering problems with bullies. Simply put, the environment encourages a negative flow of thought and if treatments are not available, or if parents are ignorant to their silent pleas for help, this problem will build up and their pressure will be exerted outwards forcefully in depression symptoms.

The Permanent and Effective Cures For Depression In Children

Provide The Best Environment
It is easier said than done. However, you must not give up in providing the best environment for your child's mental health. Giving in to every whim of your child is not the way to make them happy. Rather, it is by providing ample amount of attention and care to the every aspect of your child life. Compliment them on their efforts in school or take time to help them revise their homework if time allows. Take care of their diets as the process of growing up healthy depends entirely on their diet. In events of arguments at home, explain to your child that he or she is in no way to blame or best yet, simply avoid arguments at all. There is nothing more effective in overcoming depression for your child than providing a loving and caring environment.

Encourage Your Child To Exercise
Undoubtedly, exercise is one of the best natural methods to treat depression. As one of the hallmarks of suffering from depression is lack of motivation, you should try to implement a reward system for your child. Studies have shown that repetitive physical movements stimulate the release of mood uplifting chemicals such as serotonin and work as a natural anti-depressant. Organize mild to moderate walks for your child for about 30 minutes a day and 4 days a week at least. Better yet, being his or her exercise partner will help build up a better relationship among other obvious physical benefits. Every step brings your child closer to recover from depression, so you must play an important part to help them there.

Listen and Provide Solutions
More often than not, children will run into problems at school which they cannot manage and will need help and support from their parents rather than a condescending ear to their problems. It might vary from difficulty at their studies, problems with bullies or relationship issues with opposite sex. No matter what the cause of the problem is, what they need most is your guidance on how to tackle the problem at hand. Of course it is important for them to self-learn on how to take on responsibilities but you might need to drop in their school and have an occasional chat with their teachers to understand their situations. By showing huge interest and sharing positive outlooks in their lives, they will learn from you the right examples in which you lead with.


Want More Antioxidants? Find Out What Foods Contain Lycopene


The question regarding what foods contain lycopene has a fairly simple answer because there are several sources for this nutrient. While tomatoes are among the commonest, they are not the richest, and the available amount also depends on the processing. So if one is going to get this from their diet, knowledge of what foods contain lycopene is helpful in deciding the best source.


The list of what foods contain lycopene includes several fruits and vegetables among which are: rosehip, gac, pink grapefruit, tomatoes, wolfberry, pink guava, seabuckthorn, watermelon, red bell pepper and papaya.

While gac - a native fruit of south east Asia - is the richest source with a concentration of between 2000 -2300 micrograms per gram, it is not found much elsewhere. It is however a promising source for commercial production.

Tomatoes - with a raw concentration of between 9 and 42 micrograms per gram account for the commonest source of dietary intake for most people. When all their processed forms are included, they account for 85% of the dietary intake in the United States.

It may seem strange, but the more that tomatoes are processed, the more available this nutrient becomes. This is contrary to what we generally find with most fruit and vegetables for example we lose vitamin C with cooking. In contrast, products like tomato paste, tomato puree, ketchup, juices etc contain more bioavailable compound than raw tomatoes.

So crushing and cooking tomatoes increases the availability. In fact the compound in tomato paste is four times more available than that in fresh tomatoes.

The compound is described as lipophilic which means it loves oils and fats in which it dissolves. On the other hand it literally hates water and is not soluble in it. Dishes that are rich in oil such as pizza and spaghetti sauce greatly increase the absorption from the digestive system into the blood stream.

Most leafy fruit and vegetables (with the notable exception of gac) are low in fats and oils. If one needs to maximize the absorption from these sources then they need to supplement with some oil and fat.

Can one get it from supplements?

As we have seen, bioavailability may be an issue and we need oil to maximize absorption. We have also seen that there are different concentrations in different sources. So while diet is a good source, getting a known amount and ensuring that it is maximally absorbed can be a challenge.

A nutritional supplement may help to get around this. The best is often a multi-ingredient nutritional formulation rather than a single substance nutraceutical which lacks the support of other compounds and co-factors that maximize effectiveness.

I am aware from personal use of a product that contains at least 90 ingredients including resveratrol, green tea, policosanol, multi-vitamins, ginko biloba, trace elements and many others. Clearly the cancer fighting properties of resveratrol and green tea when added to the powerful antioxidant effects of lycopene make such a combination hard to beat.

So although we know a bit about what foods contain lycopene, there is much more. If you would like to know more especially about the multi-ingredient supplements that can help you realize the full benefits of lycopene, then please visit my website today.

sexuality health

Facts About a Successful Weight Loss Program

Lifestyle and diet modifications are the two major foundations of a successful weight loss program. But it is a long term process. It requires discipline and daily focus. In this competitive world, we get less time to take care of our health. We run after materialistic pleasure and neglect our health. As a result, we have to suffer from severe consequences. Out of work pressure, we often skip meals.

It has a severe and dangerous impact on our health. We often eat fast and oily foods which contain heavy amount of fat. These foods make helps in gaining weight thus leading us to become less energetic and unhealthy. It triggers many dangerous diseases. The popularity of dietary supplements, nutritional pills are increasing as a result of this. Many people are taking these pills to stay healthy.

Dietary supplements are good but they alone cannot help in making you successful in your weight loss and healthy lifestyle program. You have to take proper diet at proper time. Apart from that, exercise is also essential. If you adopt these three steps and strategies then you can get success in your eight loss programs.

Many of us know that fact that obesity is the root cause of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Most of the heart diseases occur due to heavy weight. So, it is very essential to reduce weight. A little change in the lifestyle and diet can bring a lot of difference. Have you ever thought that what impact will your bad shape have of your personality and career? There are many evidences where people faced difficulties in getting good job opportunities due to their bad figure. So, it is the high time to think about thus issue seriously and act wisely.

People adopt many types of methods to lose weight. Some just skip meals and survive on fruits and drinks. But that doesn't work. They suffer from severe problems. It has a negative impact on their health. Eating balanced and nutritious diet is very essential. In addition to that, proper exercise is also important. Dietary supplements and weight loss products are gaining much popularity these days. But some questions hover in our mind - are these pills safe to use? The answer is yes. But you have to do proper research on the products and the companies which offer these products before using them. You can also consult with a reliable and experienced doctor. There is some really great and helpful weight loss, health products.

You need to be patient and confident to get the desired result. It is better to avoid junk foods and foods which are rich in fat. Follow a strict diet schedule. Exercise is the key to get a well toned and healthy body. So, you need to do proper and regular exercise to get the best result.

There are many companies which offer health and diet products to help the people to get desired figure. AdvoCare is one of the reputed companies to offer seventy exclusive skincare and nutritional products. Apart from that, they also help the people by giving business opportunities. Many people have participated in the work from home and supplemental income programs offered by AdvoCare.


Saturday, 29 August 2009

Is Your Shampoo Killing You?

What brand of shaving cream do you use? Makeup? If its on the shelf it must be safe, right? Think again. According to the Environmental Working Group, "there are currently 10,500 ingredients documented by the FDA as being used in personal care products. Only 11% (or 1,155) have been assessed for safety by the cosmetic industry."

Those 1,155 assessed ingredients? They've been assessed "by the cosmetic industry"-not the FDA, kind of like "the fox guarding the hen house."

"There are currently 10,500 ingredients documented by the FDA?" The FDA doesn't require that manufacturers of personal care products register with the FDA. Manufacturers do not have to file a list of the ingredients in their products. They are not required to report any injury that occurs due to the use of their products.

The "FDA does not have a pre-market approval system for cosmetic products or ingredients". The FDA does not test cosmetics (the category all personal care products are classified under.)

It's really kind of crazy considering that we apply these chemicals to our bodies every day over a very long period of time: we are introduced to lotions as infants. Just because we're not supposed to ingest grooming products (although we often do) doesn't mean they don't enter our bodies. Our skin is permeable, that is, it absorbs what is applied to it.

Dr. Epstein warns, in the book Toxic Beauty, that "What we put on our skin affects our health just as much, if not more, than what we put in our mouths." Ingredients that you absorb through your skin can result in body concentrations 10x higher than oral doses. They do not pass through your GI tract, so they are not first filtered by your liver. They are absorbed directly into the bloodstream.

A concerning development is the addition of "nanoparticles" to personal care products. These "penetration enhancers" are mean to deliver ingredients even deeper into the skin. The Cancer Prevention Coalition lists "penetration enhancers" as one of the major categories of toxic substances in personal care products.

Dyes, detergents, preservatives and other common ingredients are known to be harmful. Fragrances, perfumes and "aroma boosters" are particularly dangerous. Manufacturers are not required to list the individual ingredients that make up a fragrance, and "fragrance" on a label can signify the presence of up to 4000 different compounds.

3 of the worst chemicals commonly found in many cosmetic products are parabens, propylene glycol and sodium sulfates.


Parabens are preservatives used to increase the shelf life of shampoos, conditioners, makeup, lotions, deodorants and toothpaste. They are a component in 90% of personal care products.

Common types of parabens are butyl, propyl and ethyl parabens.

Methylparaben is often used in skin products to fight aging and yet a Japanese study linked the compound to excessive skin aging when combined with exposure to ultra-violet rays.

Parabens have been found to cause skin reactions such as rashes, dermatitis and eczema.

Recent studies have found that parabens mimic estrogren and can affect both male and female reproductive organs. Some research has found that low sperm count and low testosterone levels are directly related to paraben levels.
Increased oestrogen levels are linked to higher incidences of breast cancer. One UK study measured paraben levels in cancerous tumors of the breast and found high levels in 18 of 20.

Propylene Glycol and Polyethylene Glycol

PGs and PEGs are organic alcohols used in personal care products such as make-up, deodorants, hair-care products, aftershave lotions and toothpaste to stabilize fragrance formulas and attract moisture.
Propylene Glycol and Polyethylene Glycol are also industrially (and in the same forms) used in antifreeze, oven cleaners, brake/hydraulic fluid and plane de-icers.

These organic alcohols are used to break down the structure of cells and proteins. They have been linked to dermatitis, kidney and liver problems, and decreased immunity. They inhibit skin cell growth and are potentially carcinogenic.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate

SLS and SLES are surfactants found in 90% of foaming products. Common in bubble bath, body wash, shampoo, toothpastes, make-up, and mouthwash, they're also used to degrease car engines, clean garage floors and wash cars.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sodium Laureth Sulfate are especially dangerous because of their denaturing properties. When combined with other ingredients,they change the nature of proteins in unpredictable and frightening ways.

The American College of Toxicology reports that these chemicals cause eye malformation in children. Animal studies showed that SLS caused eye damage, depression, diarrhea and labored breathing. There have been many accounts of skin irritation and outbreaks due to SLS and SLES use.

Research has found that these compounds enter the heart, liver, lungs and brain and can become a potent source of the carcinogen, nitrosamine. They also act as estrogen-mimics and may be linked to PMS, menopause, male infertility and breast cancer.

health for you now

Friday, 28 August 2009

Acai Berry As Part Of Your Fitness Program |

How Can The Acai Berry Help You Get Fit?

Harvested out of South America, the acai berry is pronounced ah-sigh-EE. It comes from a palm tree. People like Rachel Ray and guests on Oprah have endorsed the Acai Berry. Oz from Oprah. They claim that
the acai berry has health benefits both physically and mentally. With endorsements like that who wouldn't be curious about this newest health craze.

So with all the hype I decided that I would give the acai berry a try. I especially like the claim that using the acai berry can cause significant weight loss. I am all excited about that idea because losing pounds is a big part of my plan to get fit at a athletic club in liberty lake. I plan on losing about 70 lbs so I got a lot of work ahead of me.

Additional Exciting Benefits Of Using The Acai Berry?

Increased energy level
Mental clarity
Improved digestion
Improved skin/complexion
Improved sleep
Increased sexual function in men

Also another positive is that there are no known negative side effects from using acai berries. When used as a dietary supplement it comes in several forms. Tablets, juice, smoothies, instant powder and whole fruit. There are lots of reasons to count the acai berry as part of your fitness rountine.

I have personally experienced increased energy and several pounds of weight loss. It seems to me that the hype over this new craze is true. So jump on the band wagon and get started with the acai berry in what ever form sounds good to you. Seriously, with all the different methods to use this wonderful dietary aid you really have no excuse not to give it a try.

Where Can You Get The Acai Berry?

The quickest way is to go to and search for it. All you pay for is shipping with several offers out there now. It is worth it. I encourage you to make it part of a your fitness plan.

Along with the acai berry I am combining an exercise program with a trainer in Liberty lake. I go there 3 times a week for an intense workout. His ability to motivate and encourage me is amazing and I am confident that with perseverance and determination I will achieve my fitness goals. So if you are interested in seriously changing your lifestyle to include fitness I suggest you use the acai berry exercise.

About the Author:


Manic Depression Treatments

Depression is of two types one is Major Depressive Disorder and the other Bipolar Disorder. Both these disorders need different treatments. The symptoms of both disorders involves sorrow, exaggerated weeping, loss of pleasure, sleeping too much or too little, low get-up-and-go, uneasiness, difficulty in concentrating, temper, loss of appetite or overindulging, feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, feelings of physiological problems that are not made by physical sickness or injury like head aches, digestive problems, painfulness and thoughts of dying or self-destruction.

Bipolar disorder involves episodes of depression and also episodes of mania like inappropriate sense of exhilaration, fearless behavior, low rest needed, excessive energy, rushing thought processes; speaking too much, out of control spending, trouble concentrating, irritability, abnormally elevated activity including sexual activity, poor judgment, competitive behavior, exaggerated temper or out of control conduct.

These episodes can last a long very long time, some for a amount of weeks, months. Both disorders vary quite a bit when it comes to the treatments.biologic elements, stress and anxiety play a big part in the causes of manic depression or bipolar disorder.

For the people who have been inflicted with either bipolar disorder or main depression, antidepressant medications are often extremely effective and they must be taken regularly for three to four weeks, sometimes even longer, before the full reaction is seen.

Manic Depression Treatments can be found online in the form of self help methods these methods can help a great deal in reducing the symptoms.

Good ways to combat manic depression include: getting a healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting some relaxation time.

sexuality health

Fish Oils - Omega-3 For the Nutritionally Challenged (Last of 4)

After dealing with the Essential Fatty Acids, that brings me to that good ol' food supplement, Cod Liver Oil, and other fish oils. Yeah, they're good for you. They contain two non-essential Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which your body does need. 

Recent research in UK schools has shown that, because of a junky diet, a lot of kids have problems absorbing and converting what little of the essential fatty acid ALA they eat. So for them, fish oil supplements give a noticeable nutritional boost, and improve their health and concentration better than, say, supplementary flax oil, which is 40%+ ALA. Eating saturated and trans-fats (as in a lot of fast foods and margarines) blocks your take-up of ALA and most people are also vitamin and mineral deficient, so this result isn't surprising.

But if your levels of vitamins C, B3 and B6, magnesium and zinc (the cofactors for utilizing ALA) are fine, your body can make as much EPA and DHA as you need from ALA. My advice is to quit fish oil supplements. They taste foul, because they're usually rancid by the time you get them, and they're not worth the cost. Instead, eat oily fish once or twice a week. Eating the skin also doubles your oil intake. That'll ease the strain on your ALA requirement. 

The fish needs to be EPA and DHA rich, so farmed fish is rarely useful -- it's fed on junk food, not small fish and the sea creatures like shrimp and other plankton that feed on the algae, that give fish their good oils. The best fish to use is caught wild in waters as close to the poles as possible. Salmon, trout, herring and mackerel are typical species. Tuna isn't good -- it lives in warmer seas and has little of the Good Oils. Some parts of other sub-arctic fish are Good Oil rich -- that's why Cod Liver Oil is good. But it's usually rancid when you get it and Not Nice!

Do you really need fish oils?

If you are short of those five nutrients above and won't eat or supplement to get them, your body will find it hard to make your own EPA from ALA. In that case, you must have fish oil, or the new and currently limited-distribution algal-derived EPA/DHA oils, which are made from tank-bred algae of the kinds the fish feed on -- ideal for vegetarians. Though that'll leave you still ALA-deficient. Flax oil is the better choice.

I'll end this whole series with a quickie advice wrap-up.

You need ALA. Flax oil in your diet is the best source by far. A tablespoonful or two a day is good. You probably eat too much Omega-6 LA. Cut down till LA is no more than three times your ALA. Some fresh, wild-caught sub-arctic oily fish is a great supplement, though not vital if you eat plenty of ALA with its cofactors.So, which is for you? Bad Health -- ignore it all and pig out? Pop fish oil capsules (Ugh!) Or balance your diet and get ALA from flax oil?

sexuality health

Acai Berry Weight Loss Pills Are Simply the Best! Learn Why They Surpass All Other Diet Pills

Acai berry weight loss pills have gained a fantastic reputation and are now called a Superfood that has incredible health and medical benefits. However more importantly, if you want to lose weight safely and effectively, acai eclipses every other diet pill on the market today.

Most diet pills are full of hazardous toxins that cause long and short term bodily harm and make the body suffer and struggle to lose weight. So not only will you put your body through an unhealthy strain to lose weight, but you run the risk of severely damaging it and expose it to disease and long term medical problems. You do not want to do this to your body when you want to shed some pounds, you want to strengthen your body and lose weight safely.

This is where acai berry weight loss pills shine and shine extremely bright. Acai will repair and strengthen your body as you burn fat and drop weight safely and effectively. In addition you will not be ingesting harmful toxins or have a product that is full of stimulants such as ephedra or caffeine that will disrupt your sleep pattern and leave you hyper, wired, and causing anxiety. Acai promotes sleep and fills you with energy (more of a mild lift) without leaving you feeling anxious and hyper.

Also, If you combine acai with a sensible diet and exercise, you will have a synergistic effect that will put your fat burning in overdrive and you will lose a great deal of weight while getting in good shape doing it. This is by far the healthiest and safest way to lose weight and is the path you want to follow instead of taking diet pills and getting sick in the process.

sexuality health

Four Myths About Fibromyalgia Syndrome Debunked

You've been to the doctor and, after several medical examinations; you have just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome. What next? You may often have heard that fibromyalgia changes lives. It's true. For you to cope up with the symptoms of this condition, there are several lifestyle changes that you actually have to put some effort into. But before everything else, you first need to have an in-depth understanding of your condition. That includes knowing the truths, half-truths, and myths about it. Most of these myths have been so widespread you've come to accept them as truth. Below are the most common myths about fibromyalgia and the real score behind them.

Myth: Fibromyalgia threatens your life.

Truth: The pain may not go away for good and it may even feel worse at times, but fibromyalgia does not damage your bones, muscles, or joints, as long as you do not slack around and keep them in use. Research has proven that people who engage in light exercises, such as walking, feel that their pain does not worsen and has even improved. There are also pain management techniques that have been developed specifically for you so that you can learn to not only cope with but control the pain in your body.

Myth: There are no treatments for fibromyalgia syndrome.

Truth: The Food and Drug Administration has already approved three drugs for treating fibromyalgia pain, namely pregabalin, duloxetine, and milnacipran. Other drugs are also being developed and are up for approval by the FDA. Doctors also prescribe non-narcotic pain relievers and, sometimes, anti-depressants for those who experience mood problems because of their condition. Better sleep habits are also recommended and were proven to improve sleep for patients. Treatment can also be accompanied by natural complementary remedies such as physical therapy, water therapy, yoga, acupuncture, light aerobics, aromatherapy, biofeedback, nutritional supplements, or chiropractic.

Myth: Fibromyalgia is not a real condition.

Truth: Fibromyalgia syndrome is exactly that, a syndrome, which is a condition characterized by a number of symptoms. Doctors do not consider it as a disease because they cannot find anything specific to cure. This does not mean, though, that doctors will not take your condition seriously. On the contrary, they do recognize just how complicated fibromyalgia is and will take lengths to understand the literal pain their patient is going through.

Myth: If this is fibromyalgia, then the other things I am experiencing are different.

Truth: Fibromyalgia is characterized by a number of symptoms. This means pain is not the only sign of this condition. It is only the one that is most characteristic of it. The other symptoms of fibromyalgia are extreme fatigue, lack of sleep, dizziness, headaches, sensitivity to light, numbness in your limbs, memory loss, irritable bowel syndrome, bladder problems, depression, and anxiety. Not all of these symptoms appear in all patients, and not all patients experience any of the other symptoms at all. You need to have the other symptoms treated separately, but they should not be a cause of worry.


Heart Rate For Fat Burning |

You want to burn fat then you will need to keep your body in it's Fat Burning Heart Rate Zone.

When first contemplating this question one is temped to immediately think that it is the racquet ball since it is more physically demanding, even though it is for less time. However you would be wrong.

Several different activities can burn about the same amount of calories. If you increase the racquetball to 30 minutes also you can burn approximately 100 additional calories but your rate will be much higher.

So what's wrong with a higher rate? If you are seeking to burn fat then you could be counter productive. Vigorous activities might just push you out of your fat burning heart rate.

You Just May Be Working Out TOO Hard. I know you are saying to yourself, "Too hard? I didn't know there was such a thing?" Well that's what I thought the first time I started researching fitness years ago.

As it turns out there is such a thing as working out to the point that your body is burning more carbs than fat for fuel. There is even a point where your body burns its own muscle instead of fat for fuel.

To burn fat you want to keep your heart rate between 60% & 80% of your maximum heart rate. That is where you will burn the most fat.

What Are The Heart Rate Zones? Healthy Heart Zone 50% - 60% of your maximum heart rate. Up to 85% of the calories burned in this heart rate zone are fat calories! This is a great target heart rate range for those beginning to work out as there activities in this range have a low risk of injury. It decreases fat, cholesterol and blood pressure. You should still be able to talk fairly easily while doing activities at this heart rate.

Fat Burning Zone - 60% - 70% of your maximum heart rate. 85% of the calories burned in this range are also fat calories. The benefits are the same as in the heart healthy zone only you burn more calories in this heart range.

Aerobic Zone - 70% - 80% of your maximum heart rate. More calories are burned in this range but only 50% of them are fat. This is the best range for endurance training. The aerobic zone is also the best zone for improving cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Anaerobic Zone - 80% - 90% of your maximum heart rate. Working out in this zone burns lots of calories but only 15% of them are from fat. The remaining about of calories burned in this zone is from carbs in your system and glycogen stored in your muscles. This is the zone in which lactic acid is produced and the body can't remove it faster than you are producing it. This is a performance training zone. People work out in this zone to improve their lactic acid threshold and their VO2 maximum (the highest amount of oxygen you can consume during exercise. Tip: If you are out of breath you are at or above this rate zone.

Red Line Zone - 90% - 100% of your maximum heart rate. You should only exercise in this zone if you are in very good physical condition and even then only for short periods of time.

Figuring out Your Max. Heart Rate? You find your maximum heart rate by take 220 - your age. Multiply that number by 60% & 70% to find out your fat burning heart rate range.

About the Author:


Symptoms That May Indicate You're Suffering From Depression

Everyone on the planet feels worried or sad from time to time, it's perfectly normal and natural.  If we weren't to feel these feelings we wouldn't be human, and for the most part these feelings are unavoidable.  It could be worry for your children, bills you may have to pay, your workplace or maybe your health.  Whatever it may be, anxiety and depression is part of everyday life on this planet.

The problem is, that sometimes peoples life for you can become saturated with worry, going through your head 24 hours of the day and 7 days a week.  When this happens you must understand that this is not normal and can affect the way you feel, act or behave towards your self and others.

So do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Lets find out.

Below are some questions that you should ask yourself to give you a clearer indication if you maybe suffering from anxiety or depression.  I've been crying for no clear reason.  I pace around when I'm worried.  Sometimes I can't make myself get out of bed.  I avoid going into crowded areas.  I can't seem to make myself exercise.  I avoid risks because I'm afraid of failure.  I don't do things for fun lately.  I always play things on the safe side.  I've been missing work lately because I just don't have the motivation.  I'm really fidgety.  I've been doing everything at a much slower pace for no good reason.  I avoid people or places that remind me of a bad past experience.  I don't care what I look like anymore.  I spend too much time making sure I look okay.  I don't laugh anymore.  My hands shake when I'm nervous.  I've been letting things go that I need to attend to.  I feel compelled to repeat actions (such as hand washing, checking locks, arranging things in a certain way, and so on).If most of the above statements ring true for yourself then don't feel lost and alone.  Anxiety and depression comes into peoples life's 1 way or another, it can only be a problem if you let it get out of hand.  I suggest consulting your local doctor for advice on what you can do to overcome your anxiety and depression.

You should never let neither problems take control of your life. as this would be unhealthy primarily for you as well as others around you.  You can find more information on anxiety and depression in books and on the internet, in fact there are many dedicated forums for people to share their issues with one another.  Whatever you decide to do always take action, never sit idle waiting for things to change, in most cases it never does.

sexuality health

Why Buy Organic?

Organic foods are better for your health and contain fewer toxins; they are the smarter grocery shopping alternative. Does the price tag turn you off? Sometimes in life we must make important choices, choices that involve where we really want to put our money. Why not invest in your health? It's a surefire winner. Nonetheless there are always great tips to get you the organic foods you need not want but, where it can still be easy on the pocketbook.

Organic products according to the USDA are foods whose ingredients cannot have been made using most synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetic engineering. There are so many reasons to eat organic foods such as to protect our future, to prevent soil erosion, to save energy, to protect our waters, and to keep toxins off of your food, thus out of your body.

Studies have shown that foods with hormones, pesticides have long term negative effects. There are so many diseases today that we have lost count. Many new ones arise on a daily basis. Do you want to be a new statistic in the ill department? We don't know all of the facts, but we do know that healthier is better so making the right decisions today can save your life tomorrow.

Purchasing organic products from local farmers can create abundance in your community and create a feeling of unity. You're entrusting your local farmer with your health and that's a huge responsibility. As I always say use caution with everything. Do your homework. Get involved. Organic products create change not just in your home, but your community.

Remember to:

• Do your research. There are many great store brand organic goods now available.
• There are many agriculture programs where you can buy a small share.
• Join a Sam's club or Costco.
• Buy large amounts when they are in season.
• Grow your own and involve the family.
• Shop online.
• Use the old fashioned method of clipping coupons.
• Adjust your grocery budget.

Good luck on your organic journey. Remember to ask questions, visit the message boards and blogs. Have fun with your nutritional changes and make informed decisions.

diet hylpropion news

Colon Cleansing Weight Loss - What You Need to Know Before You Start Cleansing Your Colon!

Colon cleansing weight loss can be a great way to flush out those excess pounds and remove those nasty toxins, parasites and bad bacteria that can be stored for months or even years in the large intestine. All that accumulated waste can make you feel lethargic, bloated, constipated, run down or just generally unwell.

Cleansing your colon is extremely helpful in relieving your digestive system. When you use such a treatment, you should feel better, lighter and healthier. You will see a significant increase in your energy level, and your stomach measurement is reduced. That's why it's such a great way to lose weight. In fact, a good cleansing will flush anywhere from two to ten pounds of waste from your system and you will see the results right away. This is actually a good motivation for shedding those pounds.

Scores of products are available on the internet and over the counter for colon cleansing weight loss but how do you choose the right one?

Be sure to look for supplements that will provide a deep treatment. The best time to do this is when you are at home because you will be visiting the bathroom more often than you think.

A colon cleansing weight loss treatment should improve your overall health. This can be partnered with a healthy diet and exercise program to get optimum results.

But, before you start with your colon cleanse weight loss program, make sure you're using supplements that are safe, effective, natural and gentle.

diet hylpropion news

What Can We Understand by the Inflammatory Response and How Can We Deal With it ?

According to Wikipedia, the word inflammation comes from the Latin word inflamatio meaning to set on fire, (anti-inflammatory meaning to put out the fire) Inflammation is a necessary part of the healing process without which wounds and infections would never heal. It is, in simple terms, a response of the bodily tissues to a pathogen, damaged cells or an irritant.

However, although that is a "simple" definition, the word simple can rarely be applied to any process within the human body. The sign that an acute inflammatory response is taking place on the surface of the skin is normally characterized by a reddening of the skin, heat, swelling, pain and even loss of function. These signs are less obvious when the internal organs are inflamed during an acute phase.

The majority of the inflammatory responses of an acute nature are usually short lived. The tissues are gradually repaired by the body itself and normal cellular function is resumed.

However, as maybe expected, this is not so straight forward in the chronic inflammatory condition. Chronic inflammation is generally an immune response that can last for weeks, maybe even years if the cause of the inflammation isn't treated and dealt with. Chronic inflammatory conditions are usually systemic rather than localized and result in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, or inflammatory bowel disease, or maybe hypersensitivities caused by an inappropriate immune response resulting in inflammation. The body responds to chronic inflammation by releasing toxins which then attack the invading agent, the body then mistakenly attacks its own tissues causing permanent damage. This is where the term autoimmune disease originated, and it aptly describes the fact that the body is attacking its own cells.

In most cases of chronic inflammation the person is treated with non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). However as with all prescription drugs there are some unpleasant long term side effects, including stomach ulcers and kidney problems. There are in fact several natural alternatives to prescription drugs which should be explored first and preferably early on in the condition.


Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Toenail Fungus Treatment Options - Some of the Various Ways to Help You Fix Those Nasty Nails

For the vast majority of people having a fungal infection on your toenails or fingernails does not pose any serious health risk but can be quite embarrassing and unsightly. There are a number of different toenail fungus treatment options available and some are more effective than others. In this article we're going to briefly talk about some of the different options and their effectiveness.

You should always consult your physician before attempting to treat or diagnose any illness. If you visit your doctor and he or she confirms that you do in fact have a fungal infection they may prescribe medication for it. There are several medications some of which will be taken orally and others that can be applied topically, directly to the affected area. If you don't have medical insurance prescription medications could cost a fortune and even if you do have health insurance, a lot of people would prefer not to take prescription medication because of any possible side effects. Because of this a lot of people turn to home remedies.

People seek home remedies to treat toenail fungus infections to avoid side effects and to save money because the ingredients for the home remedies are usually very inexpensive. Some of the most common remedies include soaking your feet and vinegar, soaking in Listerine, or applying tea tree oil to the affected nails. The vinegar and Listerine treatment options could be helpful in very mild cases but many times all they do is improve the color of the nail some, but they don't do anything to kill the fungus. Tea tree oil can be very helpful in fighting fungal infections but this one ingredients alone is not usually enough to completely rid yourself of the fungus.

Another option that a lot of people choose is the use of natural herbal remedies. There are products on the market that combine several ingredients which work together to kill the fungus and improve the appearance of the nail. If you'd like to try something other than prescription medication these natural herbal remedies will be your best bet. Whichever method you choose, toenail fungus treatment is not an overnight process and it will take several weeks before the fungus completely clears up. It's important to be diligent and stick with your treatment option until the fungus is completely gone otherwise it could come back very easily so stick with your chosen treatment option until your symptoms are completely cleared up.


Burn Fat at Home |

Here's how to burn fat at home with a few simple things. If you're struggling to eat healthy and you have a hard time getting to the gym, the tips in this article will probably help you. So take the next 2 minutes to read this article so you can finally take care of this weight loss problem.

Burn Fat at Home

1. Stomach Rubs

Take 1 of your hands and start rubbing your stomach in circles. Small circles at first. But then make them bigger and bigger until they cover your whole belly. This is a great way to lose weight and eliminate fat because it helps to stimulate an improved digestive process. An advanced way of doing this to make it even more effective is to rub your hands together for about 10 seconds. By doing this before rubbing your stomach, you're using the heat on your hands to get through your skin and into the fat cells themselves.

This helps to burn them up. Takes only 2 minutes to do.

2. Eat soups before meals

Here's the deal. Soups don't have many calories in them... I'm talking about vegetables soups you make from scratch. If you were to eat a small bowl 5 minutes before all your meals, you'd be able to eliminate about 25% of the calories from each meal. The best part is you still get to eat your favorite meals and you won't starve. AND... just to be clear, you won't create any nutritional deficiencies from this technique.

This is how to burn fat at home without much effort at all.

About the Author:

Jennifer Jolan is a weight loss and nutrition consultant who has helped over 3,700 women over the years. Click to get your FREE 19-PAGE Report titled "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a Child Skyrockets Your Weight Loss".


Agitated Depression - Is There a Cure?

You may have heard of agitated depression, but you may not be sure what exactly it is. Basically this type of depression is a type of clinical depression in which patients have deal with restlessness as well as irritability. This is the term that is used for those who have depression when agitation is very prominent, and this is a very severe type of depression. Usually it is those who are elderly or those in middle age years that go through this type of depression.

While often people who go through depression feel very fatigued and laid back, there are others that are very irritable, angry, and agitated. This is what is being referred to when it comes to agitated depression. Although agitation can occur with other forms of depression, it is given this name when the agitation involved is very severe. However, there are no reasons to think that this type of depression is really different than other types of depression in most ways.

When it comes to agitated depression, there are several things that patients must show in order to be diagnosed with this type of depression. First of all, they must be having a major episode of depression. They must show symptoms like psychic agitation, tension on the inside, crowded thoughts, racing thoughts, or motor agitation. When they have at least two of these symptoms when going through an episode of depression, it is considered to be agitated depression.

There are a variety of different ways that this agitated depression may be expressed in patients. Some may pace a lot, others may shout out or start complaining. Others cannot sit still, some pull hair, rub their skin or clothes, keep talking all the time, or may go around wringing their hands all of the time.

Agitated depression is very serious, and it definitely does need to be treated. There are some drugs out there that are often used to treat this type of depression, but drugs are not always going to be the best option. For many people, drugs only cover up the problem, never really solving the problem at all. Instead of going with drugs, natural treatments can be used to treat this type of depression.

Natural options are available to treat agitated depression, and they are worth trying out. Instead of dealing with depression as well as medications and their side effects, natural options can bring relief that lasts long term. If you or someone you know are dealing with agitated depression, then you owe it to yourself to learn more about the natural treatments out there today.

health for you now

Very Cherry Expectations

The cherry has never been accused of not having a purpose. No matter what form they take - fresh, frozen, dried powdered or concentrated they have been enjoyed throughout the ages. For ancient Romans the cherry was a source of food; Native Americans used the cherry as a source for artistic colorings and natural pain relief.

Over the past decade, the tart cherry, especially the Montmorency tart cherry, has become more than a source of nutrition and pleasure. As more food scientists look at the cherry they are learning how this ruby red fruit helps to fight inflammation in the body and fight gout and arthritis pain in joints.

Need for Color:

Naturally occurring compounds in tart cherries, especially the Anthocyanins may prevent joint pain due to gout and arthritis. Over 300 different types of Anthocyanins have been discovered to date. According to research, the Anthocyanins naturally found in the cherry are like Cox-1 and Cox-2 inhibitors. These naturally occurring antioxidants may offer the same benefits of the OTC drugs like aspririn.

Need for Sleep:

Even small amounts tart cherries contain naturally occurring Melatonin. According the Dr. Russell Reiter from the University of Texas, San Antonio, the cherry is natures leading source of melatonin. Melatonin helps to regulate the body's sleep pattern and help with sleepiness at night and wakefulness during the day.

One's Enough:

One glass of cherry juice concentrate or a daily serving of tart cherry capsules can help to relieve joint pain due to gout and arthritis. For gout sufferers the anti-oxidants in the Montmorency cherry help to dissolve the uric acid crystals that form in the joints. The cherry helps to block the pain signals to the brain due to the natural occurring Anthocyanins. So helping yourself to a daily serving of the cherry is an excellent way to get its natural health benefits. Traverse Bay Farms offers a complete selection of tart cherry products including cherry juice concentrate, tart cherry capsules and dried cherries.

So if you are interested in fighting joint pain and getting a good night's sleep a daily dose of tart cherry may be exactly what you are looking for.


Great Weight Loss Workouts For Your Waist

If you're looking to tighten your gut to create a more feminine looking hour glass figure, today I have some excellent weight loss workouts for your waist that can do just that. These workouts are simple and easy. That way, you're more apt to do them.

You don't need something that is impractical and difficult.

Jumping jacks and hula hoop intervals

The first thing you want to do is grab a weighted hula hoop. And I'll tell you why you need a weight hula hoop - for the sake of practicality. A kid's hula hoop is way to light and will fall to the ground every couple of seconds. A weighted hula is easier to twirl because it rotates slower.

So, once that is out of the way, just hula hoop for about 60 seconds and then immediately switch to doing jumping jacks for another 60 seconds. Do 4 sets of this. Rest 45 seconds after you have completed a full set. So, this should take less than 15 minutes total.

Do these exercises as much as you can. Doing them everyday is ideal.

Abs squeezes combined with vacuum pose

These are two of the best isometric tension exercises for your stomach muscles. The vacuum pose consists of sucking in your gut as much as you can for 3 seconds. The abs squeeze has you tightening and flexing down on your stomach muscles for 3-5 seconds.

Keep alternating between these 2 exercises for at least 5 minutes straight. If you are really serious about dropping inches from your waist, I'd strongly recommend doing these exercises every day.

These 2 weight loss workouts for the waist work really well if you put the time in.


Three Tips on How to Cure Nail Fungus Naturally

One common question in a lot of people's minds is how to cure nail fungus naturally. Thanks to modern technology, the answer is now in plain sight. Here are top three tips on how you can eliminate the horrors of yellow nails without having to take synthetic solutions.

#1- Choose an effective natural product.

The first real step is to find the most effective product from the many that are available. Lots of products claim to be able to get rid of nail fungi but not every single one delivers on its promise. You can make the right decision by first checking ingredient content. Find out what it contains and how it says it can help eradicate fungi. You can also research on client feedback on independent review sites.

#2- Use a solution appropriately and regularly.

With an effective product, you'll quickly learn how to cure nail fungus. Bear in mind though that much still depends on how well you use a product. Some effective solutions may not do any good if you do not use them as instructed or if you skip application sessions. You have to use your product exactly as the instructions say and as often as you have to.

#3- Support your solution with good habits and practices.

A good product can only go so far. You have to make sure that you also practice good habits in relation to nail care. Make it a habit to clean your nails and file away debris. You should also know that the real secret to how to cure nail fungus permanently is to make sure that you avoid going barefoot in public bathing places. This is one way for you to catch another infection.


Burn Fat Tips |

I have some burn fat tips for you in this article. These will help you to SHORTCUT the whole ordeal of losing weight and CHEAT in a way so that you lose more weight in less time. If you can spare 2 minutes or so to read this article, you'll be rewarded with some information that'll make weight loss easier. So read this now.

Burn Fat Tips

1. Eat salads before meals

This is a good way to substitute and reduce calories with each meal. You substitute out bad calories and replace them with less calories that are better. The vegetables in salads have few calories, yet they help to fill you up. I recommend that you eat these salads 5 minutes before the meal. They don't have to be anything fancy. Just throw in some vegetables together. For most people, by doing this, you'll be able to reduce 20-30% of the total meal's calories

All I'm asking of you is to give this a try for 10 days. See if this alone doesn't help you to lose 3 pounds in that time.

2. Cold water after your showers

This is a quick, efficient, down and dirty way to burn fat immediately. What you do is take your shower however it is you normally do. Once you've completed your shower, switch the water to as cold as possible and rinse it all over your body for 20 seconds. Does this feel good? Definitely not. Does being fat make you happy? I think you can suffer a little for 20 seconds to help slim yourself down. The reason this works is because the cold water forces the body into thermogenesis in order to keep the body's core temperature the same.

To do this, your body burns fat.

These are 2 simple burn fat tips that work... so DO THEM

About the Author:

Jennifer Jolan is a weight loss and nutrition consultant who has helped over 3,700 women over the years. Click to get your FREE 19-PAGE Report titled "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a Child Skyrockets Your Weight Loss".


Change Your Life and Mood Using Natural Treatments For Depression

Natural treatments for depression will change and provide you a superior lifestyle benefiting you in other areas as well. It is so amazing how our bodies work; the cells and the chemical processes which keep our body healthy or ill.

Two such "chemicals" found in our bodies are serotonin and dopamine. They are responsible for our moods, stress, anxiety and sleep; not enough and this imbalance can cause depression. You can get prescription antidepressants which do increase serotonin levels, they also can cause weight gain; but if you want to feel really healthy and happy all over you don't need prescription antidepressants. Research has found that prescription drugs for depression ends up in the intestinal tract; but it needs to cross the blood brain barrier into the central nervous system and brain, which it does not. But if the body is supplied with the right type of nutrition, serotonin levels will rise.

Our serotonin and dopamine levels are affected by what we eat and you can raise the levels by diet! Not giving your body what it needs will result in depression, anxiety, and illness. For instance omega-3 fatty acids must be present for normal brain function. You must consume omega-3s because our body does not make them. Low ingestion of the good fats has been associated with depression. Even using antidepressants along with omega-3 have been shown to be more effective than using antidepressants alone. Salmon is an excellent source, or you can buy a supplement.

Natural treatments for depression should include folic acid or folate and B6 part of the B vitamins and tryptophan that assist the body in producing serotonin and dopamine levels, which are abundant in healthy foods.

Eat these foods to RAISE serotonin and dopamine levels; amino acids (protein), artichokes, asparagus, bananas, black beans, blueberries, broccoli, chicken liver, chickpeas or garbanzo beans, cottage cheese, cranberries, eggs, kidney beans, leafy greens, lentils, mangoes, melons, oats, oranges, poultry, prunes, raw almonds, red beans, sesame and sunflower seeds, spinach, strawberries, turkey and walnuts.

Do NOT eat these foods as they DECREASE serotonin and dopamine; sugary foods and saturated fat, white bread, cakes, cookies, caffeine and alcohol.

Once you get back on track with a healthy diet you can add coffee and alcohol back in moderate amounts, one or two cups of coffee per day or a glass of wine here and there, but if you are depending on them for a lift it isn't helping. The natural cure for depression could as simple as trying to eat well for the next six weeks as an experiment. Hopefully you will stick with it after you see and feel the difference it can make in your life.

If you feel that you may need a supplement to help with your natural treatment for depression you can try St. John's Wart. This supplement can interfere with a few prescriptions and over the counter drugs like HIV drugs, organ rejection drugs, oral contraceptives and antidepressants, so be sure and check with your physician if you are taking any of them.

Natural treatments for depression might include SAM-e a chemical found naturally in the body which increases serotonin and dopamine levels. Another chemical produced by our body is 5-HTP to make serotonin. Do not use 5-HTP along with antidepressants.

Remember though, if you are having other problems such as extreme or a persistent depression you probably need to see a physician to be sure that you do not have some underlying medical condition.


Drinking Water Safety - Why Should I Be Worried?

Drinking water safety has to be one of the most important concerns for you and your family.  You provide water with the evening meal instead of squash or pop.  You give the children water in their containers for school.  You are looking after your family's health right?  Well you might actually be doing them a dis-service and making them ill by the water you are giving them.

It doesn't really make sense to say that water is bad for you, when all the professional advice is to drink more water.  Well I'm not saying that water is bad for you but what I'm saying is that we need to be very careful with the type of water that we are drinking.

Unfiltered Water

Drinking water faucets - be it  from all the taps in your house, or from a water faucet outside carry hundreds of nasty particles that enter the body each time we drink, or eat food that is cooked in un-filtered water.

A special water conference held in America earlier this year invited the top professors and scientists to discuss the concerns about our drinking water safety and they confirmed the urgent need to clean it up.

The cost of this operation would be phenomenal and so the only real avenue left open to you and me is to make sure that we filter our water before we drink it.

Filtered Water

All household water has some kind of filtration but you would be very surprised to find out just how many unknown substances are still floating around by the time it reaches the entry point of your home.  One such compound is rocket fuel.  How dangerous is that?

The only way to ensure pure water is to filter it yourself.  There are different types of filters.  Some work better than others and there are also different types of filtration units. 

What you want is a unit that will give you clean pure water without stripping it of the essential mineral salts such as calcium.

I will not use drinking water faucets outside anymore.  I always carry my own glass or stainless steel water container full of my own filtered pure healthy water.

Now you know the difference between the adverse health problems that you can get from unfiltered water and the health benefits from filtered water it is time for you to make a choice.

If you want to get on the healthy track and have total peace of mind then there is only one way for you to go.  Drinking water safety.

To learn more about the types of filters available and which ones work best and why, visit my website today - without delay.  It is you and your family's health that is at stake here.


Here's a Free Diet to Lose 10 Pounds

Today I want to tell you about a free diet to lose pounds. Don't worry. It's nothing hard. Just know that it can't produce results that will allow you to lose 10 pounds or more in a week.

That's not something that's possible.

And if you are smart, you'll know that's not a healthy way to lose weight anyway. You'd just pack it back on.

Drink protein drinks

A big part of this diet will be protein shakes. I need you to drink 3 protein shakes each day.

You can add water or milk. Then add a banana or an apple - any kind of fruit. Then add 25 grams of protein powder.

Just use a protein powder that doesn't have more than 6 grams of carbohydrates per serving.

Then drink.

2 solid meals a day

If you can, eat eggs each morning and a salad with a protein added for dinner. You can do a lot with eggs so you won't get tired of them. Add green peppers, red peppers, onions, sour cream, and maybe some barbecue or hot sauce. Just keep mixing things up so you don't get bored.

For the salad you can add black beans, tuna, turkey breast, chicken breast, 4-6 ounces of lean beef, or salmon filet. Just make certain you add the protein to a bed of romaine lettuce with vegetables.


Low calorie yogurts and apples should be your focus. You can beat these two. Yogurts bring the protein and apples bring the fiber.

How was that plan?

This diet works if you commit to it. This free diet to lose 10 pounds will produce results in 4 weeks or less.


Monday, 24 August 2009

Several Ways to Stop Body Sweating So You Can Live a Cool and Comfortable Life Once & For All

Sweating is the body's normal reaction when there is a sudden rise in body temperature. It is a method of release to help cool down the body. However, when this becomes excessive, it poses a great dilemma for you to face. While this is embarrassing to begin with, remember that there is no good hiding from the truth. Now, it is time to face the music.

Several ways to stop body sweating are available for you to employ. If you are afraid of the side effects, you can always go for the natural methods of treatment.

Turnip juice or sage teas have antiperspirant property that can significantly decrease excessive body sweating. You can take it in daily for better results. There are still other natural remedies that are available but these are great options.

Aside from the natural remedies, one method of treatment that has gained a lot of popularity is Botox injection. This injection works to paralyze the nerves that supply the glands releasing the sweat. Once the nerves are paralyzed, the signals will not reach the glands and therefore will stop body sweating. You will need to have repeat injections every 6 months for this to work.

Losing weight is another great way to control body sweating. A lot of people suffering from excessive sweating are because they are overweight or obese. It is found to be effective in controlling the embarrassing sweat.

Other methods to control excessive body sweating are relaxation techniques, hypnosis and acupuncture. They have been discussed and were found to be effective in some ways.

There are many things to be considered when you decide to put an end to excessive sweating. When all else fail, you have to seek medical advice.

Choosing Poor Health - Americans Do It All the Time

In the USA we work hard for the most part to ensure that our children get poor health. Let us examine how we do it.

1. The most common canned foods most commonly consumed by women of childbearing age include: soda, canned tuna, peaches, pineapples, green beans, corn, and tomato, chicken noodle soups and canned infant formula. These foods general contain a high level BPA - in a 2006 test analysis by a US national firm fifty-seven percent of all these cans. Contained BPA known for producing challenges to nervous system and brain tissue

2. Eat processed foods loaded with chemicals that will modify genes and at the least impair proper food processing in our bodies.

3. Eat sugar and drink carbonated drinks. Both will make the body very acidic and the phosphates in the canned drinks with dematerialize bones.

4. Drink poor quality water. It leads to chronic dehydration and chronic disease. Most of our drinking water is chlorinated and much is consumed bottled. Even though city's test water for "safety" it still contains  "acceptable levels of arsenic, cadmium, lead and other neuro toxins.

5. Do only mouth and finger exercises (Eat and sit in front of the TV, Game Boy or other hand held phone or devise and computer).

6. Consuming most of your veggies and fruits or drinks from a can. With BPA and the fact that the processing has removed the living enzymes from the food creates more toxins for our digestive systems to handle.

7. Then we top off our living breathing bodies with the chemical cocktails of smoke, and other air born pollutants and vaccinations and we have created the perfect storm to overwhelm our immune systems and create children with multiple mental nod emotional challenges.

8. As the body ages and if you live to be a senior it should not be a surprise that we "acquire" chronic diseases. Based in dehydration we have worked hard to create these most of our lives and the modern drugs add to the final piece of the picture to debilitate and finalize the ultimate stresses for our bodies and minds.