Saturday 19 September 2009

Grow Lights For Light Therapy

Light therapy has been recognized as a breakthrough to help fight against several medical conditions including the infamous Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. SAD is a certain type of disorder that is primarily caused by lack of exposure to the sun. Owing to the fact that it is usually experienced by people who are in colder regions or mainly during the winter season, SAD became more popularly known as winter blues.

The production of a sleep-related hormone called melatonin, which could cause depression, increases when the days are shorter and darker. Due to the deficiency of sunlight throughout the day, people would have more chances to get SAD. Generally, these people have the symptoms of easily feeling tired, depressed and irritated. They also have an apparent change of appetite, weight gain or loss, and a severe drop of energy level.

An alternative form of treatment, which is light therapy or also known as phototherapy, has been shown to produce great effects for this particular kind of disorder. Simply by sitting in front of a full spectrum of light within a certain period of time every single day would bring about positive results. It would enable a person affected by SAD to feel energized, improve his or her concentration, eliminate the symptoms of depression and basically to go back to their normal selves.

There are several types of lights used for treating this disorder. One of the best is the grow lights for light therapy since they are relatively equivalent to the spectrum of sunlight. They have been proven to be safe and easy for people to use. Most patients who are treated for SAD just use light boxes at home making it very convenient. These lights are also designed to be harmless on the eyes and the skin.

Doctors could actually just prescribed patients suffering from SAD to simply go out and expose themselves to the sun. However, although the sun has a lot of benefits, it also has numerous drawbacks. Overexposure to the sun could cause a lot of negative findings. Then again, using grow lights does not only restores patients to health but it also does not produce any harmful effects to the body.

Originally used to grow healthy plants, grow lights for light therapy have been considered to be an effective way to treat a mild case of SAD. It is highly advised not to use any standard fluorescent bulbs for they are believed to drain the energy in a person's body.

Research has also revealed that it is not only the amount of light needed to cure SAD. Instead, it is equally important to take the adequate amount of light at the right time. Grow lights for light therapy are most effective when used early in the morning. Studies have shown that morning is considered to be the best time to make these winter blues go away.

But it is always best to seek advice from a doctor first before attempting to try any kind of light therapies. Consulting with a doctor would give a comprehensive evaluation of the condition a person has, making it easy to recommend a suitable treatment.

diet hylpropion news

Foods That Lower Bad Cholesterol - Proven Cholesterol Lowering Foods You Should Be Using

When it comes to reducing high cholesterol the verdict is in. The most effective and safest way to bring down high lipid levels is by increasing the amounts of foods that lower bad cholesterol in your diet. Let me guess. Your doctor forgot to tell you this?

While most medical professionals will point their patients to cholesterol medication if they have high cholesterol problems, this really makes little sense. The medications that are on the market today have some very serious side effects. The numbers of individuals that experience muscle ache, spasms or twitching can be as high as 25% and many of these end up with muscle damage, making it necessary to cease using the medication.

However, if you want to know how to lower cholesterol fast without using medication, you will need to be looking to some of the wonderful cholesterol lowering foods that are available at your grocery store. These foods are typically those that contain high amounts of soluble fiber such as vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

Each one of these food groups has been shown to be extremely powerful for reducing high cholesterol. In addition to their fiber content, all of these foods, especially nuts, contain large quantities of sterols which have been shown to block cholesterol from being absorbed into the body.

The effectiveness of plant sterols for reducing cholesterol readings is due to the fact that their chemical makeup is nearly identical to that of cholesterol. Many experts believe that it is due to this similarity that sterols compete for absorption into the bloodstream, ultimately allowing less cholesterol to get into your system.

Yes, there are many foods that lower bad cholesterol. I encourage you to visit my website where I discuss them in depth along with how to lower cholesterol fast without having to resort to medication. Taking these types of natural steps to reducing high cholesterol will provide you with health benefits that go far beyond only lowering your cholesterol readings.

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How to Come Up With the Easiest Way to Lose Weight on Your Own

Talk about the easiest way to lose weight and you can certainly come up with a million myths to discuss. If you are serious about losing some weight in a short period of time, you have to realize how important it is to stick with the diet facts and thrash everything that involves fallacy or superstitions. Most people think that when they start eating less amount of the food they eat for every meal, they are already doing a personal diet.

The common misconception is that once a person starts to take a little less rice or meat on his meals, he is already going to lose weight. This can work its own miracle provided that the person is not having extra snacks that are too high on calories, oil, or cholesterol that could also pose a serious health risk in the future. How then, does one know if he is adopting an easy way to lose weight or not? Will all his efforts be in vain even after making too many food sacrifices whose effects are too invisible for the naked eye to see? If you do not want any more delays in losing weight, here are some of the things that you have to take seriously as they are guaranteed to be easy ways to lose weight fast:

Pass on some extra calories during lunch. Everybody knows how much you need energy during breakfast, so make sure that you have had enough during that meal because you would be starting your diet plans seriously during lunch. The heavy breakfast scheme is okay as long as the meal plan involves enough carbohydrates that will provide enough energy to keep you alive and alert for the rest of the day.

The Give-and-Take scenario. If you have removed a particular food in our meal and substituted it with a lower calorie content, make sure that it does not sacrifice the nutritive value of your entire meal. There is no better way to do this than to chart all of your meals and their corresponding energy, carbohydrate and calorie value and prop them against your personal health needs. Do this for the next few months of your diet scheme and experience how gratifying the changes would definitely be.

Watch out on the climax. It happens to everyone else who is in the same situation as you-climactic temptations, as they call it, happen more frequently when the person is halfway done with his diet plan. This is where the person reaches an extreme feeling of attachment to his previous food cravings, until such point that he will have to question his diet goals from the very start of his weight loss routine. When this happens, the best thing to do is to make sure that you are aware that a particular climactic temptation is about to sweep you off your feet. Then, think about how you envision your figure to be in the next few months of strict diet. Thing will go well for a person who exemplifies self-discipline at all times.

sexuality health

How to Grow Taller - The Most Amazing Effective Ways of Growing Taller

Most of the people having a short height become desperate in order to find easy ways to grow taller. You may be one of those people who would like to grow taller but you may not be finding the appropriate ways to grow taller. You might have tried treatments like medicines and acupressure, have you noticed any difference in your height with those methods? If your answer is no, then it is the time to try something different. The most amazing and effective ways of growing taller that give great results are mentioned below.

1. Deep Breathing

Deep breathing is very effective and a proven technique of growing taller. As a result of deep breathing more oxygen is passed to the blood streams; therefore, the growth hormones are activated and they start functioning efficiently. This results in adding a few more inches to your height.

2. Stimulating Your Growth Hormones

The growth hormones are the major factors determining our height. Therefore, it is very important to activate the growth hormones in order to grow taller. The functioning of the growth hormones is stopped as a result of lack of rigorous exercises. Therefore, it is very important to start exercising. This is a great way of growing taller. You should exercise for at least an hour daily this will stimulate the proper functioning of the growth hormones and you will start growing taller.

3. Exposure To Sun Rays

It is also essential to expose yourself to the rays of sun for sometime during the day. The sun rays have Vitamin C and Vitamin D, which are very vital if you would like to grow taller. When you expose yourself to sunlight the ultraviolet rays of the sun are used and converted by your skin, this stimulates the growth of your body.

It is not impossible to grow taller even if you have crossed the age of 18; all you need is complete dedication in your efforts.


Overcome Infertility 183 --How to Treat Infertility With Other Supplements and Over Counter Medicine |

As we mentioned in previous articles, infertility is defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. It effects over 5 millions couple alone in the U. S. and many times more in the world. Because of an unawareness of treatments, only 10% seeks help from professional specialist.We have spent most of the time in this series discussing the conventional and Chinese medicine in treating fertility. I believe, it is the best time to change the subject by discussing other supplements ( not previous mentioned) and over counter medicine which can be used to enhance the chance of fertility.

I. Other Supplements
Other supplements such as larginine, GLA and L-carnitine can help to improve the chance of fertility
1. Larginine
L-arginine is an amino acid that has numerous functions in the body. Besides helping to covert glucose and glycogen, it also relaxes blood vessels by making nitric oxide, thereby increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs of which decreasing the risk of sexual dysfunction in men and enhancing the function of reproductive organs in women.

2. Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
It is found in plant-based oils, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is an essential fatty acid (EFA) in the omega-6 family. It besides has been used to treat premenstrual syndrome caused by fatty imbalance, leading to over active of uterine muscles and menopause, it also is vital in protecting the natural process of the reproductive function, caused by medical ailments.

3. L-carnitine
L- carnitine can be found in skeletal muscles, heart, brain, and sperm and is produced by the kidney and liver. It primarily function is to convert fat to energy. Since kidney is vital in maintaining the normal function of reproductive organs in the process of conception, strong kidney helps to maintain the production of right levels of L-carnitine, leading to decreasing the risks of sexual dysfunction and improving sperm quality and motility.

II. Over Counter Medicine
1. Baby aspirin
Made from white willow tree originally, it helps to improve blood flow and increase immune function in fighting against inflammation, resulting in lessening the risk of blood clotting defect that causes recurrent miscarriage. It is said that baby aspirin also decreases the risk of immune dysfunction by inhibiting antinuclear antigen and anti cardiolopin antibodies.

2. Guaifenesin
Guaifenesin is another counter medicine which helps to improve the quality of cervical mucus, thereby increasing the chance of sperm to get into Fallopian tube for normal conception.

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About the Author:

"Let Take Care Your Health, Your Health Will Take Care You" Kyle J. Norton I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries.


How to Fight Depression and Win Permanently

Don't feel that you are alone if you suspect or know that what you are suffering from is depression. Statistics commit that there are at least 15 million Americans suffering from depression each year. Annually, these large populations of America spend billions of dollars to receive treatment but mostly are misinformed or unable to get rid of it permanently. Therefore, it is vital that you know exactly on how to fight depression and win the war fast and permanently.

There are several symptoms associated with suffering from depression. The common ones are insomnia, recurring negative or even suicidal thoughts, no longer have interest in events around you or shunning away from people, guilt, constant mood swings, chronic fatigue, shift in your appetite while losing or gaining weight drastically.

The Most Effective Options To Fight Depression

Exercise and Your General Diet
The first natural reaction when people are told to engage in exercise is to instantly mistaken that they would have to register for expensive gym memberships or self-help diet classes. On the contrary, you can simply treat your depression by planning ahead disciplined periods of walking, jogging or swimming 3 times weekly with half an hour period each. The participation will release your endorphins in your brain and allow you a relaxed and healthier state of mind. There are certainly no side effects for this effective holistic treatment and has proven time and again to be one of the more effective solutions. Your diet also plays an important role in your path to recovery. Go for diets that encourage moderation in all nutritional areas and not the extreme diets that focus only on protein or carbohydrates.

Natural Herbal Remedies To Fight Depression
Many people are skeptical or even suspicious of herbal remedies. However, this misconception has eluded them of a more natural way for treating depression. In all aspects, herbal remedies offer fewer side effects when compared to prescription anti-depressants. The highest quality remedies are made with awareness of safety and effectiveness according to the rigid pharmaceutical standards. Valerian Root is one of the more popular remedies that is used to correct the sleeping problems that many depressive people are associated with. It reduces stress and induces a natural sedative mood that will improve your quality of sleep. However, please remember that everything should be used in moderation as you might get stimulated if used too often.

Psychotherapy has long been hailed as one of the most effective natural treatments. Under this category, behavioral therapy allows you to be more positive as a result by changing the way you think of your current situations. While symptoms of depression can be expressed physically by feeling sad and blue while crying easily, remember that these are symptoms of depression and not the other way around. Circumstances alone don't make us depressed; it is how you react to it instinctively that can change your perceptions. This is greatly evidenced by depression affecting even the poorest and richest population around the globe.

Meditation and positive visualization.
Learning how to meditate is an important way to provide instant calmness and clarity to your thoughts as a way to fight depression. Here's how to effective practice this method. Find a comfortable position to sit while straightening your spine with your head resting comfortably on your shoulders. Take a deep breath while listening to the rhythm of your breathing. Focus on something pleasant in your past. Keep on going until you can find a pleasant memory which gives you a certain sense o accomplishment. It could be anything regressing back into your childhood like learning how to ride a bike or even playing the guitar. Give full focus and concentration to feel everything with your five senses. Practicing this method often has been proven to create a sense of value in yourself and thus a direct positive change in your life.

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3 Things You Eat Right Now That Leading Doctors Say Will Shorten Your Life!

These are the three things that noted doctors and scientists have warned can shorten your lifespan.

Fast Food and Fried Foods

Fast foods are filled with preservatives, chemicals and hydrogenated fats. Even so-called "healthy" fast foods are a danger to your health because they contain preservatives, which aren't found in "real" foods. In order for fast food restaurants to be profitable, they rely on purchases made in bulk quantity . . . this is where all those preservatives come in. Even if the foods are not fried in hydrogenated oils, they are still a health risk. Most of the so-called healthy foods that restaurants offer, such as deli sandwiches, contain processed meats and cheeses as well as chemicals to preserve them so that they stay fresh longer.

Additionally, eating foods that are fried in hydrogenated oils will shorten your lifespan and are a leading cause of heart disease. These foods clog your arteries and raise bad cholesterol. Deep fried foods may taste good, sure, but are definitely not good for your health. In addition to heart disease, they are also linked with obesity and digestive problems. Take immediate steps to eliminate fried foods from your diet.


Foods like cookies, cakes, candy and soft drinks are high in sugar and provide absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever. The only thing these foods are good for are to help you gain weight, and quite a bit of it too. They are hard on your digestive tract because it has to work extra-hard at breaking them down. They lead not only to obesity but also to diabetes, which will shorten your lifespan considerably.

Packaged Foods

Stay away from packaged foods, including canned foods, meal packages and frozen foods. All are high in chemicals, which is how they are able to have a long shelf life. Frozen foods, especially the diet foods, are high in sodium. Take a look at the ingredients on the boxes or cans and you will see a list of chemicals included in the foods. Do you really want to put these into your body?

Start eating real foods and stay away from anything pre-packaged. This includes anything with preservatives. The chemicals that are put into some foods have been known to promote disease. Packaged foods are also usually high in calories and do not have the nutritional value of real foods.

You can start living a longer and healthier life right away by eliminating these foods from your diet. They offer very little by way of nutrition and have an adverse effect on your health. Start eating plenty of fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grains for fiber and you will start to improve your health immediately. You will boost the health of your heart, digestive system, weight and even your brain power by eliminating hydrogenated oils, sugars and chemicals from your diet.
